There are bulbs whose scientific names are unknown and we recognize them in their brand names or the easily remembered names. Here is the list of names and their features that might make you remember what they look like. You will never know that exotic plants you only see on television are just in your garden needed some attention.
Acidanthera Murilae are belonging to unusual exotic plants having the gladiolus-like foliage, it has the grandeur of classiness with its snow-white flowers and intricately crafted 'butterfly' in the centerpiece. Maintenance is simple placing it to the shady area of the garden mostly facing south direction to prevent orientation to sun. Its flowering season is on Aug-September and the planting season is on April to May.
Agapanthus or African lily are well known in different varieties such as Headbourne Hybrids, Bressingham Blue and Blue Giant. The planting season is on April to May while it flowers around July and August. It grows half-hardy that be lifted during winter. It is compatible with other plants such as Sedum spectabile and silver foliaged artemesia.
Begonia Tuberous are flowers produced in late summer approaching but flowers in season approaching autumn. They are delicate during winter that is why it is practicable to shelter them in greenhouse or indoors until the frost season is gone. They are known to be summer bulbs since they continually flower during summer.
Cyclamen are delicate flowers same as acidanthera murilae that should be kept in light shade most commonly grown in greenhouse or frost-free environment. It also needs some feed such as compost and other commercialized fertilizer to keep the flower that grows on October for some and January until March. Some cyclamen flowers are scented especially those that flowers around October, September and March. The following are the common names of cyclamen; africanum,coum, pewter, cyprium, graecum, libanoticum, neapolitanum, persicum, purpurascens and trochopteranthum which has similar height of 10-15 cm.
Dierama also described, as angel's fishing rod whose are common names are pulcherrimum and pendulum having the height of 3ft and 2 ft respectively. They usually treated as bedding, some are naturalized or undisturbed whose flowers blossom around summer and autumn and planting season is on September to April. They are grown in rock gardens with small ponds because of the dangling flowers that give magnificent view. It is versatile which can be placed around sun's orientation.
Eremurus also known as foxtail lily has breeds of shelford hybrids and robustus whose height is at 5-10 ft. Planting season is around September to October whose flower seen on summer which are recommended for cutting. It grows with protection of layer in peat and very much applicable to sunny and well-drained environment.
Fritillaria are flowers in variety whose common names are acmopetala, imperialis (crown imperial), meleagris (snake's head fritillary), meleagris ' Aphrodite', michailovski and persica 'Adiyaman'. All flowers have the height ranging from 15-60 cm whos is much compatible to the soil that is moist. All floweres will have palnting season from sept-october and flowers around mid and late summer. It also has less maintenance since it can still grow in woodlands or in naturalized borders. Planting depth is 10-15 cms from the surface. Famous fritillaria breed is acmopetala whose reigning colors are olive and purple strips while michailowsky has yellow and mahogany red strips. It is appropriate in sunny conditions and compatible with other brightly coloured flowers.
Galtonia is a summer blooming flower also called as summer hyacinth whose varieties are candicans, princes and viridiflora whose height is about 60-90 cm. It is appropriate to sunny environment and well-drained. When the flowers bloom, it is advised for cutting especially in its flowering season in the late summer. Candicans are renowned for its white flowers while viridflora are for their green grapes-like bulb. They are best landscaped in bush or silver foliage and other flowers such as artemesia.
Hemorocallis hybrids has an array of flowers such as bonanza, chartreuse magic, giant moon, nob hill and stella de oro. They are treated as herbaceous perennial whose flowering season is at July and September suggested for cutting. Flowering season starts from October until the autumn. Chartreuse Magic is unique for its yellow and green flowers, bonanza having orange and brown while nob hill has pink and yellow.
Acidanthera Murilae are belonging to unusual exotic plants having the gladiolus-like foliage, it has the grandeur of classiness with its snow-white flowers and intricately crafted 'butterfly' in the centerpiece. Maintenance is simple placing it to the shady area of the garden mostly facing south direction to prevent orientation to sun. Its flowering season is on Aug-September and the planting season is on April to May.
Agapanthus or African lily are well known in different varieties such as Headbourne Hybrids, Bressingham Blue and Blue Giant. The planting season is on April to May while it flowers around July and August. It grows half-hardy that be lifted during winter. It is compatible with other plants such as Sedum spectabile and silver foliaged artemesia.
Begonia Tuberous are flowers produced in late summer approaching but flowers in season approaching autumn. They are delicate during winter that is why it is practicable to shelter them in greenhouse or indoors until the frost season is gone. They are known to be summer bulbs since they continually flower during summer.
Cyclamen are delicate flowers same as acidanthera murilae that should be kept in light shade most commonly grown in greenhouse or frost-free environment. It also needs some feed such as compost and other commercialized fertilizer to keep the flower that grows on October for some and January until March. Some cyclamen flowers are scented especially those that flowers around October, September and March. The following are the common names of cyclamen; africanum,coum, pewter, cyprium, graecum, libanoticum, neapolitanum, persicum, purpurascens and trochopteranthum which has similar height of 10-15 cm.
Dierama also described, as angel's fishing rod whose are common names are pulcherrimum and pendulum having the height of 3ft and 2 ft respectively. They usually treated as bedding, some are naturalized or undisturbed whose flowers blossom around summer and autumn and planting season is on September to April. They are grown in rock gardens with small ponds because of the dangling flowers that give magnificent view. It is versatile which can be placed around sun's orientation.
Eremurus also known as foxtail lily has breeds of shelford hybrids and robustus whose height is at 5-10 ft. Planting season is around September to October whose flower seen on summer which are recommended for cutting. It grows with protection of layer in peat and very much applicable to sunny and well-drained environment.
Fritillaria are flowers in variety whose common names are acmopetala, imperialis (crown imperial), meleagris (snake's head fritillary), meleagris ' Aphrodite', michailovski and persica 'Adiyaman'. All flowers have the height ranging from 15-60 cm whos is much compatible to the soil that is moist. All floweres will have palnting season from sept-october and flowers around mid and late summer. It also has less maintenance since it can still grow in woodlands or in naturalized borders. Planting depth is 10-15 cms from the surface. Famous fritillaria breed is acmopetala whose reigning colors are olive and purple strips while michailowsky has yellow and mahogany red strips. It is appropriate in sunny conditions and compatible with other brightly coloured flowers.
Galtonia is a summer blooming flower also called as summer hyacinth whose varieties are candicans, princes and viridiflora whose height is about 60-90 cm. It is appropriate to sunny environment and well-drained. When the flowers bloom, it is advised for cutting especially in its flowering season in the late summer. Candicans are renowned for its white flowers while viridflora are for their green grapes-like bulb. They are best landscaped in bush or silver foliage and other flowers such as artemesia.
Hemorocallis hybrids has an array of flowers such as bonanza, chartreuse magic, giant moon, nob hill and stella de oro. They are treated as herbaceous perennial whose flowering season is at July and September suggested for cutting. Flowering season starts from October until the autumn. Chartreuse Magic is unique for its yellow and green flowers, bonanza having orange and brown while nob hill has pink and yellow.
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