Bulbs embedded into different types of containers or soil beds means specifying the kind of treatment for such. These are bulbs naturalized in borders, naturalized in lawns, wild and woodland gardens, used as bedding, containers, rockeries, raised beds and even sink gardens for outdoor bulbs. Other bulbs are indoor plants must also be treated differently and these are in the greenhouses and cold frames.
For outdoor bulbs where most environmental change occurs such as the wind, sun, moisture, humidity and even the season change that can affect the soil condition.
Bulbs naturalized in borders
Bulbs in this type of treatment should always soil treatment that can hold the bulb together and placing organic material. Feed the bulb with general-purpose feed and most popular one is Growmore especially in the month of April. Religiously do this for six to eight weeks. If the plants do not flower well, dig up the clumps and divide them to give space for each to grow after the foliage has died down. Most gardeners after seeing the foliage untidy underneath the bulbs, they clean it or trim the leaves. This is not a good idea since the foliage itself feeds the bulb if so there is a change of flowering for the next season. Naturally leave the foliage unto its sides. To prevent the plant from looking untidy place borders to keep the foliage in place.
Bulbs naturalized in lawns
To easily manage the bulbs are grouped on a bank. These not only look tidy but also help the bulbs to flower easily. Just like bulbs in borders, bulbs in the lawn need feeding. One ideal feeding is the summer and spring lawn feed for the month of April. Be careful in selecting the product that might indicate weed killer that in return kill the bulbs as well. Then, go after with autumn lawn feed in late summer or early autumn. These bubs should be left undisturbed unless they're crowded thus need some division.
Soil bedding used temporarily
Some bulbs embedded temporarily unto the ground that are different from bulbs naturalized in lawns or borders. Like traditional planting procedure such as feeding with a dressing of bone meal at a period and sometimes fertilized during spring. The only difference is when the bulbs start to flower or blossom, the ground is cleared to give way for another bedding season, bulbs are dug up. They are then placed to another container until their foliage dies naturally. When the bulbs are ready for picking, the bulbs are lifted and stored for another planting season.
Wild and woodland gardens
These bulbs left undisturbed in their natural soil without any chemicals and fertilizers being used to keep the wild flowers to flourish. However, despite the general idea, gardeners must also cultivate the soil for natural landscape. Other bulbs that are present in this type of soil bed are wood sorrel and bluebells since they require less attention and feeds. But lilies and other well known bulbs for light shaded woodland need special care. A thoroughly composted organic material is a requirement for lilies during spring. The young buds need protection from slugs. Home remedies tested by most gardeners for eradicating slugs are saucer of beer wherein the slugs drown themselves if not use slug pellets.
Spring bulbs in containers
For effective container pots for the bulbs, used soil based potting compost instead of garden soil. You may join two types of bulbs for ornamental effect but space them evenly to the container. Then top it with a compost soil and other organic material. Then press and twist the soil to hold the bulbs together before watering them. Keep the containers in a shady area to give time for the bulbs to take root. After the flower buds had appeared, that is the only time you place it to your garden. Water the bud sparingly at first and only you will give regular liquid feeds after the buds appear.
Rockeries, Raised beds and Sink Gardens
To set up for a rockery, raised bed or sink garden, begin it with a foundation using a coarse drainage material. On the bottom, use a layer of broken rocks or coarse gravel about to 2 inches for sink garden while for rockery and raised bed use broken bricks and rubble. After the base, top it with a loamy topsoil and grit for rockeries and raised beds while on sink gardens create a mixture of compost soil and John Innes no. 2 potting compost blend proportionally. Enhance the bedding by placing large stones on the sides to draw attention. Most of these rock gardens look artificial from the original view of plant and rock formation. But what is important is to make sure that the rock plants will grow around the stone formation and there is proper surface drainage rather than ornamental effects only. Rock gardens and raised beds need less attention than sink gardens unless for those weeds those easily grow on the sides. Depending in the season wherein in winter, plants protected from rain while on summer, plants needed regular watering. Feeding in this type of treatment is not necessary; the compost itself will supply all the sustenance it needs. But after three to four years, be sure to remove the compost entirely and replace it with a new one.
For indoor bulbs, treatment is less complicated since bulbs were placed in containers. These kinds of flowers are sensitive from changing environmental changes.
Indoor bulbs
These kinds of species of bulbs are developed and endured within the safety of a shelter. The key for growing indoor bulbs is similar to growing other houseplant. Tender bulbs sold as other growing plants during spring and autumn. When you are starting a new bulb, keep the soil barely enough to hold the bulbs. Water tight after being planted, press the soil and keep the soil in shelter until new shoots appear, then eventually and slightly water the bulb as it starts to grow. If the bulb is already stable, water regularly and start using liquid houseplant feed when the flower buds appear. Most cycle of plants, follow that kind of pattern just like outdoor plants. But other plants that respond differently as if undeveloped such as the leaves starts to yellow and fall. What you will do is to reduce the feeling and watering to let the bulbs eventually become dormant. Yet continue doing it and let it in their pots with the compost kept dry. So observe the behavior of the plant especially for the newly planted one.
Bulbs in Greenhouses and cold frames
This kind of conservatory used to keep the bulbs from frost during winter. Special kinds of bulbs such as daffodil hybrids, alpine house bulbs and other bulbs that used for exhibition that needs protection from winter wind, snow and rain. In this type of cultivation, heat is vital to keep the tender species to be cultivated in a heat of 40F using electric soil-warming cables. Although each species requires specific attention but this suggestion applies to all. First is watering, proper caring given to this tender species since they are at risk to rotting or decaying. Then these plants should be kept dry. Unlike during summer, where most plants needed a lot of watering. Ventilation is also important. In greenhouses and cold frames, exchange of air is necessary from outside to inside the conservatory.
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