It is important for homeowner gardeners to know how to prune
trees. Tree pruning is meant to
remove unwanted branches. This process is done carefully in order to avoid the
destruction of the tree's trunk. The skillful gardener should prune right from
the trunk-branch nodes. They should ensure that all pruning cut starts should
be conducted on the stem collar.
Pruning from the stem collar is important because it protects growing stems and branches that are not supposed to be cut. Similarly, this will give the tree a chance to regain its shape after trimming the unwanted branches. The gardener should pay close attention when pruning large branches so that they protect the destruction of the bark and wood of the stem.
The following step by step procedure is quite useful if one intends to prune trees:
First and foremost, locate where the underside of the stem collar is found. Then, craft a tiny wedge-shaped cut directly on the underside of the branch of the tree. This small cut ensures that the bark is broken loose at that position in order to prevent a tear from penetrating to the stem tissue.
Second, cut all the way via the whole branch. Make sure that you leave on a stub end. This step should start from the topmost part of the branch. It is a procedural step that enables one to cut the branch cautiously to avoid destroying the tissue cells of the tree. The tissue is needed in the growth of new cells.
Third, the gardener should make another cut parallel to and directly on the stem branch side of the collar of the trunk. This intended to minimize the length of stub to a large extent.
In the case of a large branch and stem, a drop crotch cut is made. The above procedure is also applied in this scenario. The first notch cut is made on the underpart of the branch you are pruning. The second cut is made through the branch from the interior of part of the crotch up from the edge the bark of the two branches being pruned. The final step involves making a third cut at one part of the branch bark ridge and approximately parallel to it. This is meant to shorten the remaining stub.
The best time for tree pruning is during the dormant season or winter. This period will minimize sap loss and fungus infection to the tree. However, dead branches can be removed at any given moment.